Leather Factory Visit
Regardless of your gender, leather and für has always been a great indication of how well you dress. No matter how many leather jackets you own, there can never be enough. It is the kind of garment that never goes out of fashion and embellish you nicely. For sure, there are new trends every now and then but the old ones keep on winning hearts.
Unlike most people, to an experts’ eye, leather jackets and garments, bags and purses differ from each other on the basis of a number of factors. From the animal they are extracted from to the kind of finishing they have, from the inner lining, stitching and craftsmanship to the selection they are based on. There are a plethora of options out there which could be overwhelming. So, to avoid leather shopping anxiety, here are some guidelines that not only tells you about the types of leather jackets and bags but also helps you understand your body type and which style goes well with it.
Fake, Genuine and Real, You may be able to tell just by touching the piece whether the leather is real or fake. Fake leather feels smooth, almost like plastic. Real leather, on the other hand, will feel soft and flexible, but it will also have a grainy feel. You also will not be able to stretch fake leather, but real leather can be stretched.
In addition to that, there is a subtle distinction between real and genuine leather. Most of us believe that genuine is just another word for real when it comes to leather. But here is a twist. Genuine means the leather in its original form, no oiling or waxing done in order to prevent the leather from water and dust. Practically speaking, that is not a very functional approach. For instance, it would be okay to have a wallet made of genuine leather because you would not mind replacing it after some time as it is inexpensive and not something you would expect to have long-term. A bag or jacket, on the other hand, would be considered an investment. However, real leather is always more expensive and that is only because it is guaranteed to last a lifetime.
Leather Jacket Style, After making a decision to buy a leather jacket the most crucial step is to pick the right jacket that goes well with your body type and style statement. Picking the right color and design is most important and knowing how to choose the right size will make your purchase so much more exciting. As far as the appearance is concerned, from the battlefield to the broadway fashion, the leather jackets have evolved over the period of time but the styles have been the same.
Why Leather and Für Factory, Turkey has thousands of leather stores, small and big, catering to its population as well as tourists who are aspired to buy leather and für from Turkey. Purchasing leather products from small stores could be so risky as they might use faux leather and cheat on you. It pays to go to a well-known leather and für factory to purchase leather products as there is a guarantee about such purchases. In addition to that, you should buy it from a factory in order to get the best price as well as to see all the possible colors and designs. People generally tend to buy it from Grand Bazaar but lo and behold, sellers in Grand Bazaar gets all their leather products from the factory and they add their own revenue on top of it and then sell it to the customers. Plus, rents in Grand Bazaar are too expensive and somehow they have to reflect it into their prices. These people are sharks and you can easily get bamboozled unless you are informed. Additionally, shops in Grand Bazaar are too small which means that they can only exhibit a small variety of leather and für unlike factories.
We will pick you up from your hotel at a specified time and drive you to one of the biggest leather and für factories in İstanbul. While you are served a tasty Turkish coffee, there will be free demonstration leathers. The expert will tell you all about leather and für history that you are interested in. You can touch them, feel them and maybe buy some of them…